Create an Experience for Your Customers

by | Aug 14, 2009 | Uncategorized | 2 comments

My sister and brother-in-law got married on one of the most gorgeous days in Toronto back in June 2009. It was sunny and pleasant for most of the day. It did rain just after the reception, but it was followed by a wonderful rainbow.

What a great sign for the most perfect couple. That’s the 2 of them pictured on the right. Aren’t they so adorable?

Talk about adorable, I just had to include a picture of the flower girl (pictured left). Her name is Hannah and she’s the youngest daughter of one of the bridesmaids. Look at those big, dark brown eyes. Isn’t she so yummy?

My sister considered doing a destination wedding and due to all the stress she went through over the past year, I remember telling her that it wasn’t too late to change venues.

The bride cried alot and had many arguments with my parents. My other sister failed an exam after spending a week working on my sister’s wedding invitations. I gave up alot of weekends to wrap this, glue that and be available to pick up the slack when the bridesmaids failed to do their part.

But it was all worth it. Alot of the guests came up to me afterwards to say it was the most organized wedding they’ve ever attended. I met new family members and had fun catching up with old ones. My 89-year old grandmother, who flew in from New Jersey with my 2 aunts, fell asleep at the table during the reception. Classic.

My sister shared with me while we were sitting at the head table that she’s glad she chose to stay. If she went away, many people wouldn’t have been able to share in her experience.

And that’s what it comes down to – creating an experience.

No one cared that my sisters, my mom and I met weekly to plan the wedding. No one is going to hold our feet to the fire because we chose purple tablecloths instead of green. People instead judged the success of the wedding based on the experience they had.

As you continue planning your next product launch, teleclass, blog launch or coaching service, stop beating yourself up because your plans aren’t perfect. Just remember that what people will remember the most is whether or not they had a wonderful experience with you and your brand.

Have fun and be Marketing Fit!

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  1. michelepw

    Hi Leesa,

    This is a great post. It's just one more reminder it's better to keep moving forward than worrying how perfect each step is. If you don't keep moving forward in your business, you'll never get ahead.

  2. michelepw

    Hi Leesa,

    This is a great post. It's just one more reminder it's better to keep moving forward than worrying how perfect each step is. If you don't keep moving forward in your business, you'll never get ahead.