Coaching Boom 2010

by | Jan 21, 2010 | Upcoming Events | 5 comments

It’s amazing how many coaches continue to “hunt” for new clients using the same strategies that were used 5-10 years ago!

Imagine what it would be like to stand out, attract more clients, and create a thriving coaching business – despite almost 250,000 coaches competing for clients in the world today.

This February 30 top coaching entrepreneurs, such as Michael Port, Christian Mickelsen, Suzanne Falter-Barns, David Steele, Milana Leshinsky, Marcia Bench, Sharla Jacobs, Lou Bortone, and many others are coming together at the Coaching Boom 2010 virtual event, where they’ll be sharing:

* Brand New Coach Marketing Strategies
* Biggest Coaching Industry Trends
* Innovative Client Enrollment Techniques
* Cutting-Edge Practice Management Tools
* 2010 Passive In-come Ideas for Coaches
* Hottest Coaching Niches Today
* Economy-Proof Business Building Tactics
* Hottest Coaching Business Tools

…and other business growth tactics for life, executive, and business coaches! What does this mean for your coaching
business? You’ll learn how to:

  • Get and Keep More Coaching Clients In Spite of Such an Over-Crowded Industry, and Take Advantage of The Biggest Opportunities In the Midst of The Coaching Market Explosion
  • Add New Income Streams and High-Leverage Coaching Models to Your Existing Business, So You Could Stop Trading Time for Dollars and Enjoy the Lifestyle Coaching Can Give You
  • Maximize and Accelerate Your Marketing Strategy, Double or Triple Your Client Enrollment, And Eliminate the Hassles and Fears of Selling Coaching Once and For All

You will also understand…

  • How Clients Buy Coaching Today and The Best Way to Create Motivation and Desire to Hire You
  • How to Talk to Potential Clients So That They Will Want to Hire You – Right on the Spot
  • How to Pack So Much Value Into Your Coaching Programs, That Your Fees Will Become Irrelevant

…and much more!

I am excited to be one of their guest panelists at the Coaching Boom 2010. My specific session is on Monday February 8, 2010 at 2:15pm ET where I’ll share how to make 5 or 6 figures practically overnight hosting a multi-speaker virtual event.

You don’t want to miss this biggest no-travel coaching event of the decade. Click here to register and to find out more details.

(all links to the Coaching Boom 2010 website are affiliate links)

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  3. Paul

    A great post, this is something my partner and I, we are both coaches, discuss many times. How, not just coaches but many other professionals continue to use the same strategies they used for years and still expect different or better results. I'll be interested in the outcome of your event.

    I've written a post on the subject here,…. You can find others here,



    • Leesa Barnes

      Paul, your blog post should be read by every person who's using social media. All your tips can be applied to social media relationships as well. How interesting that both coaching and social media rely on trust, listening and likability for it to work.

      • Paul

        Leesa, thank you for your comments. I'll follow your blog updates through Google.