Celebrating Two Years as a Self Employed Podcasting Consultant

by | Mar 24, 2008 | Uncategorized | 1 comment

Two years ago this month, I officially opened the doors to my business, Caprica Interactive Marketing Inc.

I’ve had to make many sacrifices over the past 2 years to make my business work, however, I’m pleased as a pumpkin that this month marks the second year that I celebrate being gainfully self-employed as a podcasting consultant.

March is almost over, but I  can’t let it go by without celebrating this milestone. I’ve been trying to think how can I do this and include you. Any ideas on how I include you in my celebration? Sure, a launch party comes to mind, but that would exclude those who aren’t in the Toronto area.

Any other ideas?

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1 Comment

  1. Peter O'Connell



    Save the money on a celebration unless most of your clients are in TO.

    Do a direct mail thank you note or small gift and include a special offer.

    That might be money better spent.

    Best always,
    – Peter


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