You Are Still Worthy of Being Loved

Rejection is one of the reasons why we don’t pursue our goals or follow up on opportunities. For many, rejection stems from a negative  experience as a child or adolescent. I see this in emails from clients and prospects. A panic emerges when they send an email...

3 Things that Impatience Causes Us to Do

As I get set to host another live virtual training at 2pm Eastern on Tuesday looking at the fruit called patience, I asked myself what the opposite – impatience – does to our business. Here’s what I discovered: #1 – Impatience Causes Us to Make...

The Worst Client I’ve Ever Had

I remember one of the worst clients I’ve ever dealt with. My experience with her made me change how I hire clients. Sadly, you always remember those who treated you poorly. She came into my orbit around 2009. She was quite demanding right from the start. I hosted a...

Release Your Need to Always Be Busy

A few years ago, I realized that I created another job and not a company. Although I started my business in 2006, I hadn’t mastered the art of delegating. Yes, I had an assistant who took care of answering emails and booking my speaking gigs, but I did...