New Media Expo Wrap Up: Best Podcast Name

I was listening to the recording of my session from the New Media Expo and I was reminded about one of the BEST podcast names I heard while at the Expo. During my session, I asked 5 people to share their monetization strategy based on the 3 personas I introduced. They...

5 Keys to Creating a Profitable Podcast

Just wanted to share a resource with you. I put together an audio recording of the 5 keys to creating a profitable podcast. It was done as a teleclass about 6 months ago and now, I’m offering it as a 5 part mini-audio course. To get this recording, you actually...

Podcasting for Profit Breakfast Seminar

Today is the official launch of my breakfast seminar series. Over the next 6 months, I’m going to visit a city near you and teach you how to podcast for profit. Want to know what you’ll be getting in addition to the 2 hour presentation? Play the video...