Stumble Bravely: Why You Will Absolutely Fail In Your Quest to Become Anti-Racist, Anti-Biased, and Anti-Oppressive – And Why You Must Keep Going

Stumble Bravely: Why You Will Absolutely Fail In Your Quest to Become Anti-Racist, Anti-Biased, and Anti-Oppressive – And Why You Must Keep Going

You will stumble in your quest to become anti-racist. Stumble bravely.⁣You will not have all the answers.⁣⁣Stumble bravely.⁣⁣You will be called out for doing harm.⁣⁣Even after you’ve read the anti-racism book, watched the anti-racism film, and protested loudly...
Inner Field Trip™: Helping Those With Gentle, Quiet, and Highly Sensitive Personalities Explore Unconscious Biases So They Protect Their Energy, Stand on the Side of Justice, and Become Better Ancestors (Next One Departing Soon)

Inner Field Trip™: Helping Those With Gentle, Quiet, and Highly Sensitive Personalities Explore Unconscious Biases So They Protect Their Energy, Stand on the Side of Justice, and Become Better Ancestors (Next One Departing Soon)

After going through a year long process to deconstruct and decolonize the narrative I’ve been led to believe about my social and biological identities, I thought I was supposed to do activism a certain way. I thought I was supposed to be expressive, boisterous,...