Can You Guess Why this Stands Out?

by | Oct 15, 2010 | Virtual Events & Telesummits | 8 comments

Ever since they moved Star Trek: The Next Generation from midnight to 3am, I’ve had to tune into other late night programming to put me in a relaxant state. So, I’ve started watching David Letterman who, surprisingly, is still so very funny.

At the end of each show, he features a musical act. I don’t really pay attention to who’s playing, but this band caught my eye. I snapped a couple of pictures of the lead singer.

Based on the pictures above, can you spot what’s so unique about the lead singer compared to other bands? Leave your comments in the comment section below.

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  1. Jennifer Nagel

    He seems to be singing with his eyes closed…that would be SUPER hard if you're a singer AND a drummer!

    • Leesa Barnes

      I hadn't noticed that. What stood out for me is that as the lead singer of a rock band, he wasn't playing a guitar.

  2. jammindave

    The singer is playing the drums left handed. Typically the hi-hat is on the left side of the drummer and played with their right hand. His is on the right side played with his left.

    • Leesa Barnes

      You're such a nerd, Dave 😉 I didn't even pick that up, although I probably wouldn't because I'm not a drummer. Still looking for more responses before I reveal the reason why this stuck out for me.

  3. jammindave

    He's left handed. Typically a hi-hat is on the left side of the drummer and played with their right hand.

  4. careysuante

    The singer is playing the drums as well!!

    • Leesa Barnes

      You hit it on the head. That's what stood out for me. The lead singer was the drummer. I had never seen anything like that in my life. If the lead singer in a rock band plays an instrument, it's typically a guitar. To see this guy drum and sing at the same time was odd.

      • Carrie

        Trivia trivia… when Peter Gabriel left Genesis in '75, Phil Collins, the drummer, became the lead singer… he's also a keyboardist, but still 🙂