Can I Follow You on Twitter?

by | Apr 17, 2008 | Social Media | 9 comments

I have completely fallen in love with Twitter. I used it religiously while in Las Vegas to update people on my adventures at NAB. Now, I’m hooked.
So, in my quest to find new and interesting people, I’d like to follow you. Currently, I’m following 49 people, but I’d like more. I have 4 times the number of people following me, so I want to start following the same amount in return.


  • If you’re using Twitter, please share your username in the comments section below so I can follow you.
  • If you’re not using Twitter, sign up for a free account, then come back and share your username in the comments section below.
  • If you know of someone I should be following because you find him or her interesting, and you think I’d be interested, please leave that person’s username in the comments section below.

Permission based stalking at its best.

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  1. Lyn Toomey

    Thanks Leesa – My Twitter user name: LynToomey

  2. Oak

    This has been a great resource. Here is my new twitter username – V2S
    Thanks and make it a great week.

  3. Gary Ebels

    Gary222 is following you – enjoyed your posts

  4. Leesa Barnes

    All added, except Roxanne. Roxanne, why the walled garden? You’ll build relationships faster and easier if you relax your privacy settings.

  5. Roxanne Tidmore

    roxfuture is my name on twitter.

  6. Robert

    Robert Hill

  7. Des Walsh

    Well, having missed you at BlogWorld Expo in Vegas last November, at least we can keep up with one another via Twitter. My username is easy to remember – deswalsh

  8. Otto

    Hey Leesa! I walked in late to your lecture and I’m really glad I did. I found it interesting that you’re such a New Media guru however you mentioned that a lot of ur current success came from you publishing a book-one of the oldest forms of traditional media!

    question…how do I follow you on Twitter? I spent about 2 minutes trying to find your email address but couldn’t…