Buying Me on Facebook is the Worst Widget Ever

by | May 22, 2008 | Social Media | 3 comments

Folks, I’m going to keep this short and sweet. Some people join Facebook and add every widget possible to their profile. Then, they invite others to do so.

Not a good idea. I ignore most of them, but I shall comment on one in particular. There’s one where you can buy people. Then, they send you a message saying:

“I just bought you. Guess how much?”

Okay, if you haven’t noticed, I’m Black. And if you know anything about Black history, then you know that “buying” me is so not a cool idea. Even in fun.

My heart goes into my throat every time I see the “I just bought you. Guess how much?” widget. I’m sure my ancestors didn’t think it was cute when they were bought and sold hundreds of years ago. So, anyone who sends me that widget is quietly removed from my friends list.

This widget is just not fun to me. Not one bit. It insults me, my culture, my ancestors and everything that’s not cool about that dark part of our collective history. If you’re that careless and thoughtless, then what else are you going to be careless and thoughtless about if we do business together?

Yes, I’m making an assumption. Perception is everything online. That’s why you have to be very aware of the widgets you’re adding to your profile, especially if you’re using Facebook for business.

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  1. carol

    I don’t like that one too. the first time I saw it, I had to leave the place as fast as I can and I think this application didn’t “buy” the public as well because it died down fast. the problem is that, some of our “friends” forget what a widget implies before they use it. Black, White, Asian whatever, it is not good to buy people–ever.

  2. Mitch

    I haven’t gone as far as you in removing people from my friends list, mainly because a lot of people who’ve sent it aren’t from North America, and I could see how they might not quite get it. Some of the others, especially the young ones, don’t get it either, especially the black ones who used to send it. Once Facebook added the “block application” feature, I blocked that one, and many others, and once you’ve blocked it, that sucker never intrudes upon your doorstep again.

  3. Jon Reed

    Well said, Leesa – I think this is a vile app. I tend to block any application that people send me now. Most are just annoying clutter – but some, like this one, are a Really Bad Idea…