Boost Your Business With Virtual Events Teleclass

by | Apr 16, 2009 | Upcoming Events, Virtual Events & Telesummits

You put together the content, you booked the conference bridge line and you told some of your friends about your upcoming virtual event. Yet when the hour of your virtual event approaches, you’re disappointed that only a handful of people signed up.

Selling out a virtual event is no accident. It’s based on just one thing – marketing. Promoting your virtual event using the right tools will help you fill your virtual event with ease.

Join me on Tuesday April 28 & Thursday April 30 Wednesday April 29, 2008 at 8pm EST over the phone as I share with you how to boost your business hosting virtual events. Use this coupon code – BOOST30 – to get access to the 2-day virtual event for just $20. Only 200 104 “seats” left at this price, so click here to register for this event…

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  1. Marketing Fit by Leesa Barnes Podcasting and Social Media | internet marketing tools - [...] Marketing Fit by Leesa Barnes Podcasting and Social Media Posted by root 3 days ago ( Submitted by leesa…