Blog World Expo

by | Sep 22, 2009 | Upcoming Events | 3 comments

I’m honoured to be one of the individuals selected to speak at this year’s Blog World & New Media Expo taking place October 15-17, 2009 in Las Vegas.

I visit that place to attend conferences and trade shows so much that even customs is wondering what’s going on. However, because it’s the conference capital of the world and that’s where every conference in my industry holds their event, I have no choice but to go to sin city.

I digres…

I’m so looking forward to attending Blog World & New Media Expo. We’re having a tweetup the evening of October 14th. This tweetup is organized by myself, Elizabeth PW and Sarah Robinson and it’s not affiliated in any way with Blog World. You can register here.

Then, the sessions begin on October 15th. There are so many to choose from. I’m way excited because I’m going to meet some of my online pals for the first time in person, including Mari Smith, Denise Wakeman, Shama Hyder, Brian Solis and too many others to list right now.

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  1. BobDebbas

    I can't wait to meet you as well 🙂 at the tweetup

  2. BobDebbas

    I can't wait to meet you as well 🙂 at the tweetup

  3. max191

    Loved to read your blog. I would like to suggest you that traffic show most people read blogs on Mondays. So it should encourage bloggers to write new write ups over the weekend primarily.
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