Black Friday Podcasting Bundle is Ready

by | Nov 23, 2007 | Uncategorized

Head on over to this page to grab the Black Friday Podcasting Bundle. There are 5 products that answer the following questions:

  • If I’m Not an Expert, Should I Podcast?
  • How Can I Develop a Podcast that People Want to Hear or See?
  • What’s the Best Way to Record My Audio Podcast?
  • What Do I Podcast About?
  • How Do I Get Started With Podcasting?

The sale lasts a week. How much? Depends on the day. Click here to find out more.

Update: 31 people have already grabbed this bundle at the low price. One affiliate has made money by referring people to this bundle. Continues until November 30th.

Update: The sale is over. 52 people and 4 affiliates took advantage of this bundle. I look forward to seeing 52 podcasts pop up in the next 30 days.

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