Biggest Mistake Entrepreneurs Make that Keep Them from Earning 7 Figures

by | Sep 10, 2009 | Upcoming Events

I’m tickled pink that I get to interview my friend, Milana Leshinsky, on the following topic:

The Biggest Mistake Most Entrepreneurs Make That Keep Them from Earning a Seven Figure Income

…And How To Cash In On The Hottest Trend in Business Today
to Turn Your Knowledge Into A Multiple Income Stream Empire!

Milana Leshinsky, Coaching Millions

Milana has guided my business over the past 4-years and I modeled much of what she does in my own business because we share the same values. I’ve learned ALOT from Milana and I’m excited that I get to share her expertise with you.

On September 17, 2009 at 2pm ET, Milana , a successful knowledge-marketing entrepreneur and a
business advisor to experts (like yours truly), will show you how to ride the exciting wave of the hottest new trend and add high-ticket low-time-investment income streams to your existing knowledge-based business.

Here’s what you’ll discover on this 60-minute, information-rich teleclass:

  • How To Unlock A Gold Mine Of New Cash Flow That’s Sitting Un-Tapped, Right Now, In Your Existing Market
  • How To Double Or Triple Your Income in 90 days From Your Existing Knowledge Without Spending A Ton Of Money Of New Advertising Sources, Without Increasing The Number Of Hours You’re Working Each Week, And Without Toiling For Months On End To Create New Products.
  • How to Create New Income Streams Every Top Entrepreneur Has Been Enjoying, While Helping a Ton More Customers Succeed!
  • And, How to Create Your Very Own Multiple-Income-Stream Empire From Your Existing Knowledge!

To get the call-in details for this FREE teleclass, just enter your first name and email address below.

Get the Call-in Details for the Sept 17th Teleclass Delivered to Your Inbox When You Submit Your First Name and Email Below.

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