Back to Business School Virtual & Non-Virtual Events You Must Attend

by | Sep 17, 2010 | Virtual Events & Telesummits | 2 comments

I just love the Fall. Always a sense of renewal. I have always seen the day after Labour Day as the first day of a new year.

As the kiddies head back to school, we as business owners need to sharpen our skills as well. Here are a few virtual and non-virtual events I recommend you check out and attend.

Creating Irresistible Presence – September 23, 24, 25, 2010 (Atlanta, GA)

I have watched my pal Sarah Robinson change brands and build a rabid fan base online. I was completely amazed that up to 100 people would comment on 1 blog post that she would publish on her blog. I always asked her how she did this and now, she’ll be teaching her strategies at her workshop this week in Atlanta. If you want to learn how to gain attention online without spending tons of money, Sarah is the gal to learn from. And if it’s any incentive, I’ll be there.

Wealthy Thought Leader – September 29 to October 2, 2010 (San Francisco, CA)

The uber smart, Andrea J. Lee, has developed what has been coined as “TED for Entrepreneurs.” I went to her first workshop back in March 2010 in Vancouver and not only is she doing it again, but she’s hosting v2 of the Wealthy Thought Leader in San Francisco.

What I love about Andrea’s event is the type of people who attend. They are risk takers, forward thinkers and people who are ready to take a bold stand.

For me, I invested $2,000 in getting to the workshop and made $12,000 in the 3-weeks after I got back to my office. This may not happen to you, but I can guarantee that if you attend Andrea’s event, you’ll make a personal, professional or financial breakthrough.

Website Creation Workshop – Weekly from September 27 to December 9, 2010 (virtual)

I know how freeing it can be to take control of your own web presence. Once I moved to a WordPress blog, I could create pages on my own effortlessly without having to be chained to a web master. Christina Hills is teaching a program where she’ll teach you step by step how to create your own website without the need of a webmaster. She’s hosting a free webinar on September 21, 2010 to take you through a few case studies. Click here to register.

Incredible Business Book Launch – October 4 to 29, 2010 (virtual)

One of my Virtual Event Managers, Lynn Pearce, is the person managing this virtual event. It’s for those of you who have books and want it to become a bestseller. You can listen in for free or choose from one of the upgrades so you can listen later on.

The links above are affiliate links. It means that if you click on the link above and buy something, I’ll get a commission for the referral. I only recommend the programs and services from people who I trust or who I’ve already purchased from. Of course, despite my referral, you must always do your own due diligence and research before purchasing anything online.

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  1. Rab

    so how can one make a website and take it from virtual to non-virtual? make it a living and breathing company?

    • Leesa Barnes

      Hmm…your question is rather nebulous in scope. Care to be more specific?