Ask Me Anything About Virtual Events During My Open Office Hours

by | Jun 29, 2010 | Virtual Events & Telesummits

Last week, I opened my office to those on my list who wanted to call me to ask me anything about my programs. In essence, I answered my toll-free line live during a 2-hour block and answered questions about my products and services to anyone who called in.

I never did this before and it was an amazing experience.

Out of all the people who called, I discouraged 3 individuals from buying my Virtual Event Marketing Blueprint. They just weren’t ready given where they were in their businesses.

And I felt damn good about doing that.

One man was still trying to figure out who he’s trying to serve. He said something about coaches and consultants to which I told him that that’s too general. So, I asked him what unique experience is he running away from and that’s when it all came pouring out.

I was fascinated by his story. Truly fascinated. And I knew that all he had to do was continue drawing out experiences from his past where he turned his misery into his ministry. His breakdown into his breakthrough. His wounds into his wisdom. His mess into his message…(you get the point).

I was so moved by his story that I’m going to continue opening my office hours to those on my list. If you’d like to know when and how you can contact me to ask me anything about my programs or about virtual events in general, join my Facebook fan page and I’ll send updates through there.

Here are the rules:

  1. KEEP TRYING. If you call and you get my voicemail, please DO NOT leave a message as I’m not able to return your call. Just keep trying until you get me live.
  2. KEEP YOUR QUESTION BRIEF. My toll-free line is programmed to hang up at the 10-min mark. So, keep your question brief and to the point so I can help you in under 10-mins.
  3. MAKE SURE YOUR REQUEST ISN’T URGENT. I’m only able to devote 2-hours of my time one day a week to answering the phone live. That means, you have to call during this time to speak to me live. If you have an urgent request and you need an urgent response, go to and ask my Online Relationship Manager, Liz, how you can rent my brain for an hour.

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