Are You the Next Coaching Entrepreneur of the Year?

by | Sep 29, 2009 | Upcoming Events

My friend, Milana Leshinsky, is looking for a few good coaches and coaching entrepreneurs.

Milana put together the Coaching Entrepreneur of the Year Award and wants you to submit your application.

Now, you don’t have to be a certified coach to enter. If you’re doing group coaching, 1-to-1 coaching, leading a mastermind or retreats, you have to apply.

The process is simple – just submit the application BEFORE September 30, 2009 to be considered. Here’s a direct link to the application (it opens as a Word document).

Want to know what the prizes are? They are so juicy that I’ll let the video below explain it all. Take a peek.

And don’t forget to submit your application before September 30, 2009. So, are you the next coaching entrepreneur of the year?

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