A Really Cool Way to Refresh Your Telesummit So It Stands Out

by | Aug 23, 2010 | Virtual Events & Telesummits | 2 comments

Following on Michael Port & Scott Stratten’s video on what people are doing wrong with telesummits, my buddy Lou Bortone interviewed me about my views on telesummits.

In this 10-minute interview, Lou asked me:

  • Why are telesummits so popular?
  • To define telesummits so everyone understands what they are.
  • Why the telesummit model is flawed today even though they’re so popular.
  • Why templates for telesummit are both a good and bad thing.
  • And what are some of the ways the telesummit model can be refreshed.

</p> <h1>EntrepreNews Sample</h1> <p>Lou Bortone, Leesa Barnes, small business, entrepreneurs</p> <p><a href="www.veeple.com" alt="Veeple Interactive Video">Veeple Interactive Video</a>

Interested in joining me November 3-5, 2010 in Atlanta, GA for more refreshed ideas? Click here to learn more about Telesummit Refresh.

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  1. Roberta Budvietas

    There are times that I wish I lived in the USA to attend some of these events but living in New Zealand, the virtual is important. I am talking to several speakers about a creating a virtual event in November and am soaking up all the information I can meantime. Thank you for this point of view.

    • Leesa Barnes

      Roberta, do let me know when you launch your virtual event. I'd love to see it. Also, stay tuned as I will be announcing something that'll help those who can't make it to the US still consume the content from Telesummit Refresh.