Why Every Business Owner, Ministry Leader & Marketplace Prophet Must Have a Virtual Team (#2)

by | Jul 9, 2013 | Outsourcing

This is #2 of 4. Outsourcing or delegating tasks to a virtual team can do wonders for business owners, ministry leaders and marketplace prophets. I should know – I’ve used virtual assistants and virtual teams in my business since 2005. Whenever I do, my business has grown ten-fold because I operate in my strengths and outsource my weaknesses.

I was going to call this series Outsourcing Myths Revealed or Little Lies Ministry Leaders & Business Owners Tell Themselves About Outsourcing (feel free to use either titles), but both titles force me to focus on lack.

Since I operate best when I focus on abundance, I chose the title Why Every Business or Ministry Must Have a Virtual Team for this series. A special thanks to Tina Forsyth and her special report The Top Five Reasons Every Business Must Have an Online Business Manager for influencing this series.

So, here’s Reason #2 of 4…

#2 – A Virtual Team Treat Your Projects As If They Were Their Own

This is one of the concerns that business owners, ministry leaders and marketplace prophets have about outsourcing their tasks and projects. They worry that whomever they outsource to will not have the same level of excellence as they would.

Yes, there are some horror stories about virtual help who are sloppy and inconsistent, but these stories are not the norm. The vast majority of virtual teams are staffed by individuals who enjoy doing the tasks in your projects that you don’t like to do.

Virtual teams want to do well because referrals is the best form of a compliment

Your virtual team – if you partner with the right one – will treat your projects with excellence because the outcome is a reflection on their reputation.

I’ve worked with the same virtual team for the past year. I read a report once (can’t locate it now) that stated that the average relationship with virtual help only lasts 6-months.

I typically have long relationships with virtual support professionals (lasting 3-4 years) because I’ve been blessed to work with some of the best ones on the market. The only reason the relationship ends isn’t due to shoddy work, but due to my business slowing down as a result of a change in direction or branding. Since starting my business in 2005, I’ve worked with 3 virtual support professionals.

My virtual team is constantly challenged by the projects and tasks I give to them. When they mess up (which is rare), I’m compassionate, yet firm. And when they do well (which is the norm), I praise their effort. They care as much about the projects in my business just as much as I do.

What’s next?

Join me on Wednesday July 17, 2013 at 12pm Eastern for a live webinar where you’ll learn how to:

Create Your Faithfully Rich Team: How to Outsource the Tasks You Hate for as Little as $12/hour So You Can Focus on the Message God Has Called You to Share

In this 75-minute webinar, you’ll learn:

  • What a Faithfully Rich Team is and how you can use one to free up your time and bring more joy to your ministry or business
  • How to find a Faithfully Rich Team without writing up a job description or posting your request on a freelance website
  • The 7 things you should never outsource and what you should delegate instead
  • The 7 mindset shifts you need to make so you finally outsource the tasks you hate for good
  • The 5 ways you’ll know that you’re ready to hire a virtual team
  • How a virtual assistant, sales coach and marketing mentor have used a virtual team to help them increase profits and decrease stress (you’ll hear their case studies in this session)
  • And details about my **BRAND NEW** program where you’ll get access to the virtual team who helps me in my business for as little as $12/hour.This is NOT another information product. You’re busy and you don’t need to add more training to your already packed calendar. Instead, you’ll get complete access to the project manager and the team I use to get things done. They are eagerly awaiting your projects and I’m happy to share my virtual team with you.

To access this webinar, just head on over to the Faithfully Rich Live page at the date and time of this webinar.

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