7 Quick Ideas for Generating an Endless Stream of Content

by | Aug 19, 2009 | Social Media, Virtual Events & Telesummits | 5 comments

People always ask me: “Leesa, how do I create meaty content for my podcast, blog or virtual event?” Here are 7 ideas to get you started.

Interview Experts

Put out a call to clients whose area of specialization compliments yours. Run through your list of online
connections – the professionals who contribute their ideas to the same social networks as you do. Think about this in terms of audience intrigue. Who else might your subscribers learn and benefit from, besides you?

Dig up Recordings from Teleclasses or Workshops

Maybe you ran a telecourse last summer that went over big. To you, that class feels like old hat – but remember there are still plenty of people out there who will really appreciate the information. Syndicate portions of your old learning materials, then package in podcast or video format and upload to your blog.

Check Your Inbox

Did you email some spot-on advice to a client or colleague recently? Well, turn your advice into a blog post or a teleclass.

Check Your Website’s Referral Keywords

Make your back end work for you. Use Google Analytics or a similar tool to find out who’s landing on your pages via which keyword phrases. Do some research on those topics of interest and share your findings with blog readers. Sometimes your web traffic results can surprise you.

Be the Answer Guy (or Girl)

Post a question on your blog. “What are the top 3 questions you have about [insert your industry here]?” Have podcast listeners call in their question via a telephone recording line set up Virtual Event Audio. Write up your responses as a blog feature or record as a podcast interview.

Get Success Stories

Other people’s success stories inspire and motivate us. It develops confidence, builds trust in our readership and brings more business. Why not add a category to your blog called Success Stories? Each month, highlight a recent victory or milestone – yours, a client’s or a colleague’s. Win-win for all involved.

Provide Updates from a Conference or Trade Show

Create a buzz around your next trade show or exhibition. Bring the digital camera or video recorder along. When you return, take a few moments to jot down event highlights. Share commentary and footage with your audience.

About the Author

Leesa Barnes is an award winning author, virtual event marketing specialist and CEO of Marketing Fit Inc., a training & development company that teaches business how to get active online using profitable tools.

If you liked these tips, you’ll LOVE the virtual event tips found at the Association of Virtual Event Managers, Organizers & Hosts. To start your membership for 50% off the regular price, click here for more details.

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  3. Jim Everett

    @LeesaBarnes 7 Quick Ideas for Generating an Endless Stream of Content: http://bit.ly/eJgLn <Simple and powerful!>

    • Hawaiijobs

      Hi, i will check this website and i will go through it. thanks.

  4. Jim Everett

    @LeesaBarnes 7 Quick Ideas for Generating an Endless Stream of Content: http://bit.ly/eJgLn <Simple and powerful!>