6 Reasons Why Most People Make Lousy Telesummit or Virtual Event Hosts

by | Jul 28, 2010 | Virtual Events & Telesummits | 2 comments

Good telesummit hosts aren’t born, they’re trained. Okay, maybe that sounds a bit cliche, however, not everyone can be an effective telesummit host.

Some of you may be saying that you speak in front of large crowds or you train people for a living, so you’d have no problems facilitating virtual sessions. Well, I’ve seen some of the best speakers and trainers fall apart trying to host a virtual event because they can’t “feel” the energy from attendees, nor can they see them.

Believe me – I wasn’t that great when I first started out. Back in 2002, I prided myself with being an excellent speaker. And then I hosted my first virtual training and I was lousy.

With thousand of hours of virtual event management under my belt, I’ve pinpointed the 6 reasons why some people make lousy telesummit hosts. You can see these 6 reasons in the video below. I also offer tips on how you can shine and be a really good telesummit host.

Watch, scrutinize, learn, then comment.

Click here to learn more about Telesummit Host Tips

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  1. Carma Spence

    Nice video Lisa. Great information … very succinct and I like the way you repeated the info at the end so I didn't have to search the video for anything I may have missed. Thanks!

    • Leesa Barnes

      Thanks Carma. Appreciate the feedback. Because our attention is divided in several different places, I make sure that I put together really quick info that you can use right away. I know that my attention span is like that of a fruit fly 😉