5 Ways to Market Your Virtual Event So It Sells Out

by | Apr 21, 2009 | Virtual Events & Telesummits | 8 comments

When I first started hosting my own virtual events back in 2005, I was lucky if anyone besides me and my guest expert showed up. It was both embarrassing and frustrating because I thought I was doing everything to produce a excellent virtual event.

However, what I was missing back then is the marketing. I didn’t do a good job of promoting my virtual event. Fast forward 4 years and I can easily earn 5 or 6-figures hosting just one virtual event.

In that 4 year period, I learned what it takes to sell out a virtual event. Here are the 5 ways to promote your virtual event so it fills:

  1. Craft an Attractive Sales Page. A sales page provides information to the prospect and helps him or her decide whether to attend your virtual event. Your sales page must attract their attention, create interest and desire and then prompt him or her to take action. A well crafted and well designed sales page will help you turn more prospects into attendees.
  2. Get Partners to Promote Your Virtual Event. Getting others to help market your virtual event is an excellent way to increase attendees. Your army of promoters, which includes speakers, joint venture partners, sponsors, exhibitors and affiliates, can help bring attention to your virtual event by tapping into their network. All you need to do is provide the right tools so your partners can promote the event on your behalf.
  3. Use Previews Calls & Preview Videos to Create Anticipation. If your virtual event is priced at $100 or more, holding a series of preview calls or releasing preview videos can help prospects get a taste of what’s to come. Use this marketing tool to give people a sneak peak of what’s to come if they pay to attend the virtual event. Give away enough content to attract attention, but not too much otherwise attendees may not sign up for your virtual event.
  4. Use Social Media to Attract Attention. Twitter, Facebook, blogging and podcasting tend to convert prospects into attendees a lot better than any other lead generating tool, however, what you post on your blog will be different than what you post on Twitter. Share links to your preview calls and information about your virtual event in a way that looks like you’re sharing (and not blatant selling).
  5. Create Email Blasts that Grab Interest. While email gets a bad rap these days, it’s still a great tool to use to fill your virtual event. Some hosts worry that too many emails will cause people to unsubscribe from their list. While this is a possibility, email reminders, if crafted the way, help to boost attendees to your virtual event.

On Tuesday April 28, 2009 and Thursday April 30 Wednesday April 29, 2009 at 8pm ET, join me for 2-day teleclass on how to host, promote and profit from a virtual event. Whether you’ve been hosting virtual events for years or want to do your first one, you can’t miss this 2 day virtual event.

On this call, I’m also going to share how you can use my step-by-step blueprint to make 5 or 6- figures practically overnight. I’ve done it over the past 4-years and now, I want to teach you how to do it too. Use this coupon code – BOOST30 – to get one of 200 104 seats at $20. Click here to register your spot…

What other promotional strategies would you include?

Photo courtesy: michele petrolli

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  1. Robin Tramble

    Hello Leesa, Glad to meet you. I've heard a few of your calls and you always give great information. Thanks for the tips, I'll be sure to take note and use the ones I'm not currently using. Robin

  2. Robin Tramble

    Hello Leesa, Glad to meet you. I've heard a few of your calls and you always give great information. Thanks for the tips, I'll be sure to take note and use the ones I'm not currently using. Robin

  3. Robin Tramble

    Hello Leesa, Glad to meet you. I've heard a few of your calls and you always give great information. Thanks for the tips, I'll be sure to take note and use the ones I'm not currently using. Robin

  4. Robin Tramble

    Hello Leesa, Glad to meet you. I've heard a few of your calls and you always give great information. Thanks for the tips, I'll be sure to take note and use the ones I'm not currently using. Robin

  5. DeAnna Troupe

    As usual, outstanding information. I’m beginning to see what I’m doing wrong with my own virtual events. I’ll definitely have to incorporate these strategies into the things that I’m planning.

    DeAnna Troupe
    Multimedia Specialist

  6. Justice Jonesie

    These are great tips and we’ll be sure to consider them as we continue to plan for Blogalicious. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Ellen Britt

    Great advice Leesa! I totally second all these tips, especially #3, the preview calls.

    I see many folks trying to sell high-ticket programs without doing these and wonder about their results. Preview calls are a must!

  8. Christie

    Great tips Leesa! I love virtual events, so great for new moms or moms with small kids, or those of us with health challenges and can’ just fly around the country (not to mention the money!!).


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