5 Ways Faith-Inspired Messengers Can Go From Cash-Stuck to Cash-Flow

by | May 24, 2012 | Faithfully Rich | 4 comments

Too many faith-inspired messengers – coaches, consultants, authors, speakers – are cash-strapped. Some feel guilty about asking for money. Or, when they do get to the money conversation, cash-stuck, faith-inspired messengers aren’t clear on how they can help the person.

To go from cash-stuck to cash-flow, you need to do the following five things:

#1 – Get clear on your calling

God has tapped you on the shoulder for a particular purpose, but nothing is more frustrating than not knowing what that is. When you’re unclear on what God has called you to do, you bounce around from idea to idea. When you’re known as a social media guru one day, a real estate agent the next and then a internet marketer a year later, the market gets confused. And when people are confused, it is difficult for them to know what you can help them with.

Your Action – Review the blog post Is that You God? It’s Me, Listening to understand the 5 ways to know if God is calling you and what He’s calling you to do.

#2 – Get clear about your divinely-inspired message

Your message, otherwise known as a tagline, is critical to attracting the right prospect to your business. Your message must be results oriented and clearly state, in simple language, who you work with, what results you provide and your role in this process. If you can’t state this in just one simple sentence under 30-second, you’ll lose the interest of the person you’re speaking with. And if they’re confused, they can’t refer people to you.

Your Action – Answer the question “So, what do you do?” in 30-seconds or less.

#3 – Get clear on who you’re called to serve

Otherwise known as target market or niche, financially and spiritually rich messengers are very clear who’s attracted to their message and can speak intelligibly to them. Serving everyone is a poor business strategy. Unless you have the marketing budget of Walmart or Coca-Cola, it’s not realistic (or profitable) to help everyone. Even Jesus didn’t come to minster to everyone. Yes, He died on the cross to save the world from their sins, but His ministry was targeted to the Jews (see Mark 7:24-30).

Your Action – Understand the lifestyle and demographics of who you’re called to serve.

#4 – Get clear on which online marketing tools align with your giftings

Not all online marketing tools serve every messenger. Some are horrible in front of the camera. Others are really poor at writing. It’s important to use the right online marketing tool that aligns with your gifting. If you’re animated and funny, text-based blog posts won’t showcase your talents. If you’re nervous in front of a camera, avoid video marketing at all costs. If you’re using the wrong online marketing tool, it can ruin your brand and make your weaknesses more pronounced.

Your Action – Take an inventory of your giftings and decide which online marketing tools will marry well with them.

#5 – Get clear on what results you’ll deliver to those you’re called to serve.

Experience is life’s greatest lesson. It can be confusing trying to teach or speak about something that you have not experienced first hand. You need to develop a signature style, apply it to your own business, help others using it before you can authoritatively teach it to others. Once is fluke, twice you take notice, but three times is when you know you have a winning process. By going through the pitfalls yourself, you are more empathetic to those who are hitting the same frustrating wall as you once did. More importantly, you can craft the right language in all your copy that speaks directly to the challenges your target market is desperate to solve.

Your Action – Ask yourself what you’re good at solving, then create a signature style around that process.

Need Help Getting Clear?

If you’re ready to transform your divinely-inspired message into a financially and spiritually successful business, please sign up for my complimentary Get Clear Breakthrough Session.

In this 60-minute complimentary session, you’ll…

  • Discover what is unconsciously sabotaging you from creating a successful message
  • Create a clear plan that describes the steps you need to take to get clear on who you’re called to serve
  • One simple step you can take immediately to get into action

To book your Get Clear Breakthrough Session, fill out the “I’m interested” form by clicking here. Once you fill in and submit the form, you’ll get access to my online calendar where you can book your 60-minute complimentary session with me.

Your Feedback

What are your thoughts regarding the cash-stuck to cash-flow steps above? Add your comments, questions and feedback in the comments area below.

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  1. Lrclement

    Leesa you hit the nail on the head. I’ll be putting your strategy to work. Gratitude for the offered session, sounds great.

    • Leesa Barnes

      Excellent. I can’t wait to see how your plans shape up. And do take advantage of the complimentary session as I’m closing the door shortly.

  2. Claudette

    Excellent guide! Thank you so much! I have been searching for something of this kind for a long time, HALLELUJAH!

    • Leesa Barnes

      Claudette, I’m pleased that you found this inspiring. Now, go forth and put this into action 🙂