5 Reasons Why You Must Start Managing Money Using Your Strengths

by | Aug 15, 2013 | Unleash the Flow of Money | 1 comment

Between March to June 2013, I’ve been busy working on a program to help you understand how to become a better money concierge by managing it based on your strengths.

Too often, we’re told to manage money using our weaknesses which then breeds resentment, anger, worry, doubt, frustration and shame. These money imps keep us stuck and separated from God’s abundance.

That’s why it’s so important to align with the gifts that God has given to you. This includes how you manage money. Here are 5 reasons why it’s so important to manage money using your natural strengths.

1. We are more accepting of money.

When we start to appreciate what we’re good at and stop focusing on what we’re terrible at, money looks different. We begin to see money as what it is – just paper – and can better embrace our role as money stewards (see 1 Peter 4:10-11).

2. We are more confident in how we manage money.

Managing money involves saving, spending, borrowing, investing, earning and donating it. That’s alot to track. When we focus on the area of money we’re good, we are freed up to hire the right people and implement the right processes to help us in the areas we’re weak.

You don’t ignore your weaknesses – you just boldly choose to stop trying to fix it and use your energy to manage the parts of money you’re really good at.

3. We forgive ourselves for past money mistakes.

Healing around past money mistakes is key to embracing your role as a money concierge. Knowing that you can become an excellent money manager releases the chains holding you back.

You begin to see that there’s nothing wrong with you – you simply need to adapt traditional money advice to mirror your natural strengths.

4. We demonstrate God’s power and authority.

God has blessed us with unique gifts. As our Creator, He gave each of us unique abilities. Some of us are really good at spending money. Others are really good at saving money. Still others are excellent at investing. When we manage money using these innate gifts, we show the world how mighty our God is.

5. We admire the same strength in our others.

When we criticize those who proudly showcase the gift or strength that we ourselves are choosing to hide, we slip into judgement. By embracing our strengths, we, instead, make them shine which allows us to celebrate when others are managing money from their strengths.

Adapted from the book Harness Your Dark Side: Mastering Jealousy, Rage, Frustration & Other Negative Emotions by Al Galves (pp 132-137)

Join Me on August 20, 2013 at 12pm Eastern

I’m going to share How to Unleash the Flow of Money Using Your Natural Strengths & Divinely-Inspired Gifts (Part 1). In this 60-minute training, you’ll :

  • Learn my story of how I transformed my frustrations over money into full alignment with God’s plan for my financial future (I’ll give you tips on how you can do the same)
  • Understand how to remove the money imps from your life so you stop believing the lies and start earning money with ease
  • Discover the #1 reason why – even if you tithe – you’re consistently broke (and what you need to do to break this chain)
  • Uncover the 5 reasons why managing money using your strengths is the only way to unleash the flow of money
  • And a sneak peek of my **BRAND NEW** Faithfully Rich Money Profile training, a program designed to help you confidently apply your Faithfully Rich Money Profile to your life, ministry or business. If you want to eliminate your money drama for good and get ahead financially, uncovering your Faithfully Rich Money Profile is the breakthrough you need to finally embrace God’s financial destiny for you.

To join the live broadcast on Tuesday August 20, 2013 at 12pm Easternclick here.

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1 Comment

  1. Donna Marie Johnson

    This wisdom really blessed me. Freed me. Re-read article today and planning to go back through my notes.