5 Must Have Tools to Skyrocket Your Virtual Event Profits

by | Feb 23, 2010 | Upcoming Events, Virtual Events & Telesummits | 1 comment

Have you been thinking about producing your own virtual event, but you’re not sure which tools you should use? Or, maybe you already hosted a teleclass, virtual summit or telebootcamp, but the tools you used created so much extra work that it left you exhausted.

I’m going to share with you my top 5 must have tools to skyrocket your virtual event profits on February 25, 2010 at 10am PT / 1pm ET in a NO FEE call. I’ll reveal:

  • How to use a popular social media tool to create a powerful and profitable attendee management system
  • Ways to automate attendee registrations so you avoid the dreaded copying & pasting
  • The biggest mistake most virtual event hosts make when sharing their virtual event recordings
  • Why email is the worst thing you can use to manage all the moving pieces with your virtual event (Leesa will share with you what you should use instead)
  • The hidden dangers of free conference bridge line service – and what you should look for in a paid one
  • The 3 things a shopping cart system can help you manage – and how to integrate this nicely into your virtual event platform
  • Details about Leesa’s brand new virtual bootcamp where she’ll teach you click-by-click how to setup your own virtual event platform

To get the call-in details, go to http://buildavirtualeventplatform.com and sign up to attend this no fee teleclass. On that page, you’ll also get access to Module 1 in the Build a Virtual Event Platform program, a **FREE** video tutorial that I created to get you started with your virtual event platform.

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1 Comment

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