3 Ways to Measure Your Return on Podcasting Investment

by | Apr 10, 2008 | Upcoming Events

So, I’ll be in Las Vegas this weekend at the National Association of Broadcasters. I’m going to present on 4 topics – 2 solo sessions, 1 panel and 1 workshop.

Here’s the first one:

3 Ways to Measure Your Return on Podcasting Investment
April 13 • 9:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.

Las Vegas Convention Center N253

What can you use to prove to your colleagues, your boss or your company management team that your podcast is putting more money in your pocket? Join Leesa Barnes as she shares the three most important things you must use to measure your podcast and the tools you should use to collect this information. You will also learn the best way to present this information so you continue to get the support to continue podcasting.

If you’ll be at the conference and you regularly read my blog, come on out to the session. Even if you don’t regularly read my blog, come on out anyways. Just don’t ask me any really hard questions, like:

“Will podcasting be the only thing that can bring peace to the Middle East?”

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