3 Ways Podcasting & Social Media Can Help You Stay Profitable During Any Economic Slow Down

by | Apr 2, 2008 | Podcasting, Social Media, Upcoming Events | 4 comments

I’d like to invite you to a 75 minute teleclass that I’m hosting on Wednesday April 16, 2008 @ 8pm EDT.

The teleclass is called 3 Ways Podcasting & Social Media Can Help You Stay Profitable During Any Economic Slow Down. I’m excited about this teleclass and I’d love for you to join me.

This FREE teleclass is designed to do 2 things:

  • To give you tips on how you can use podcasting and social media to recession proof your business.
  • To share with you a brand new program that I’m launching.

If you’ve been on any of my teleclasses, 95% of the information you get on these calls will help you put it into action right away. To get the call in details, enter your first name and email in the boxes below.

Join me on April 16, 2008 @ 8pm EDT for a FREE Teleclass called:

3 Ways Podcasting & Social Media Can Help You Stay Profitable During Any
Economic Slow Down

Get the call in details by entering your first name and email below.

First Name:

I hate spam just as much as you do. I won’t share, rent or give away your email address even if someone promised me a four course meal (and I love food).

If you’re reading this in your feed reader, you’ll have to go to my blog to enter your deets. Just click on the title of this post so you can enter your info in the fields.

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  1. Dulcita Love

    Practical and Inspirational teleclass Leesa!

    As a result of your trainings, I have started using social media to create more connections, faster and easier, online.

    Before your trainings, I hadn’t even heard of the term “social media”. I thought it was simply blogging and podcasting.

    Now I realize that social media is way more than that.

    Since I’ve started using social media, my contacts have gone global within one month, which would have never happened using traditional marketing methods.

    Dulcita Love
    Asheville, NC, USA

  2. Monique Caradine

    I have to agree with Michele. As consultants, we owe it to our clients to do whatever we can to help them recession-proof their business. Because I help clients get publicity, the budgets for my services are typically the first to get cut! That’s why I’m helping companies learn how to do their own publicity, thus still making myself an important commodity. The key: help clients save money by bringing value to them even during tough economic times. Great post Leesa

  3. Michele Zwillinger

    Hi Leesa:

    I’ve helped my clients make it through several recessions. What we’ve learned is during a recession is the perfect time to get a real grip on what your business is, who your audience is, how to best reach them, and how to do all of these things utilizing market research to decrease the risk of spending money needlessly while planning for the upturn at the end of the recession. Those who prepare are the ones most likely to be successful!

  4. Rian

    Do you keep these in archives anywhere? Would like to check it out but can’t at that time.


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