3 Stages of Virtual Event Success for Messengers, Change Agents & Thought Leaders – Purpose

by | Jan 11, 2011 | Virtual Events & Telesummits

The 3 Stages of Virtual Event Success for Messengers, Change Agents & Thought Leaders help business owners understand what part of the virtual event process they should be responsible for so they can free up their time to share their message with the world.

Let’s look at Stage #1 – Purpose: What You Want to Do.

In this stage, you plan your strategy and align your vision with your longterm goals. That way, you can share your vision with your support staff so everyone’s on the same page.

But the biggest reason you must define your purpose is to determine whether it’s a viable idea. Too many host a telesummit or virtual event that’s a carbon copy of someone else’s model and wonder why they spent 180 hours on a strategy that produced $1000 and 152 new people to their list (check out my Freemium vs Premium Telesummit post for the numbers). If you haven’t guessed, that’s an awful return on investment.

Instead, you should spend just a bit of time detailing your vision. That’s what messengers, change agents and thought leaders do best – map out their goals and envision where they want to be 1, 2 even 10 years from now.

My colleague, Lynn Pearce, grouped the virtual event planning process into 5 Ms, which are:

  • Your Motivations – Why are you hosting a telesummit?
  • Your Market Research – Who else is targeting your market with a telesummit or virtual event?
  • Your Marketing – How will you tell your market about your telesummit or virtual event?
  • Your Money – How much do you want to make and how much will you spend?
  • Making It Happen – Who or what will help you bring your telesummit or virtual event to market?

The Pain Free Virtual Event training program walks you through the 5 Ms above. You get a 56-page workbook and audio CDs to guide you as you put your virtual event business plan together. I’ll post more details about this program in a future post.

Click here for an exploration of Stage #2 – Support.

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  1. 3 Stages of Virtual Event Success for Messengers, Change Agents and Thought Leaders – Support - [...] the tools that can help you – You would’ve identified in the Purpose stage what type of technology you’re…
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