3 Stages of Virtual Event Success for Messengers, Change Agents and Thought Leaders – Support

by | Jan 13, 2011 | Virtual Events & Telesummits | 3 comments

The 3 Stages of Virtual Event Success for Messengers, Change Agents & Thought Leaders helps business owners understand what part of the virtual event process they should be responsible for so they can free up their time to share their message with the world.

Let’s look at Stage #2 – Support: Who or What Can Make It Happen

After you define your vision, it’s now time to find the tools and talent that can help you bring your telesummit or virtual event to market.

Trust me – this isn’t the time for you, a messenger, change agent or thought leader, to sit down and start writing promo copy, create events in your conference bridge line or webinar service or start mucking around with a sales page.

Finding the right support for your telesummit or virtual event is like finding the right mechanic to fix your car. Hardly anyone is tempted to try and fix that squeaky noise on their own.

You know that you’re hearing a strange noise, but to try and tinkle under the hood means you’ll have to read the manual (and not the one that came with the car), buy the parts, return the parts because it’s the wrong size or model, get new parts, get your hands dirty, miss your daughter’s soccer game, skip your mom’s birthday party and maybe miss that client meeting all so you can fix your car in time for that weekend concert with your spouse/friends/whomever.

It’s just simpler to your sanity and your life to drive the car into the mechanic’s garage, tell him what you’re hearing and let him spend the time fixing what he believes is broken.

A squeaky sound may mean one of three or four things to a mechanic (which means he can get right to work) and thus, he can get to the solution faster than you ever could.

The same with your telesummit or virtual event. Why in heaven’s name would you want to understand the nuances of organizing a virtual event when you can rely on the talent and tools who do this over and over again?

Messengers, change agents and thought leaders just don’t have time for that. Instead, you should do 2 things:

  • Identify the tools that can help youYou would’ve identified in the Purpose stage what type of technology you’re already using in your business and how it can help you with your telesummit or virtual event. However, there are other tools that can make it easier for your team to communicate status updates to each other. One tool I’m thinking of is Basecamp.
  • Then, hire the right talent – Ideally, you should look for a Virtual Event Manager, someone who is trained specifically on how to manage telesummits and virtual events. You can submit your request for help here or you can hire a virtual assistant, a virtual event specialist or an Online Business Manager to get you rolling.

Go to Stage #3 – Presence so you can learn the 3rd thing messengers, change agents and thought leaders should focus on.

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  1. Anonymous
  2. Anonymous
  3. Anonymous


  1. 3 Stages of Virtual Event Success for Messengers, Change Agents and Thought Leaders - [...] Stage #2 – Support: Who or What Can Make It Happen [...]