3 Signs It’s Time to Hire Someone to Set up Your Next Virtual Event

by | Oct 14, 2011 | Virtual Events & Telesummits

I remember reading a quote once where someone stated that a virtual event is like a non-virtual one, minus the food and the hotel. Yet, many believe that because the event is virtual, it’ll be a synch to set up.

So, they forgo hiring support and try to set up the virtual event, telesummit or video summit all on their own. While there is some satisfaction in knowing that you did it all by yourself, the fall out with spending 15-hours or more per week collecting information from speakers, installing a blog, writing copy and helping attendees is costing you precious time and energy.

Here are 3 signs that tell you it’s time to hire someone else to set up your next virtual event…

1. You neglected your clients and family

All those late nights updating webpages, getting speaker handouts and configuring the conference bridge service means that you missed out on spending quality time with the people who really care about you. I understand why this happens. You’ve heard about how powerful telesummits can be in growing your list and your income, so you’re hoping that you can do the work, save some money and benefit from all the hard work later on. But while you save money now, you end up neglecting client projects (the people who pay you) and neglecting your family (the people who love you). With someone helping you set up your virtual event, you’re free to focus on income producing projects (such as networking, speaking and enrolling new clients) while maintaining normal office hours (the difference between working until 5pm or 2 in the morning).

2. You hate attendees and speakers after it’s over

Isn’t a database stuffed with new prospects/customers supposed to make you happy? It should, but if you’ve played the roles of host, customer service agent, speaker liaison and webmaster every day for 6-weeks or more, your resentment of attendees and speakers will be high. The reality is that you should’ve had someone else take care of the support and technical issues so you’re free up to focus on just being an amazing host (and taking a well deserved break every day).

3. You didn’t make a profit

Weeks and weeks of planning and all you have to show for it is a few hundred dollars. How disappointing! So, for your next virtual event, put together a budget and decide early how much you can spend to hire someone to help you. Typically, you shouldn’t spend more than 30% of your entire budget on virtual event help. But the reality is if you continue to muck around with the details, it takes you away from the marketing and it’s the marketing that puts bums in the virtual seats. My clients who hired one of my Certified Virtual Event Managers typically make in revenue 3-5 times what they paid to hire help. It’s wise to have someone on your side supporting your every step.

Ready to explore your options?

If so, click here to fill out a Request for Help to connect with a Certified Virtual Event Manager. Speak to them about your virtual event needs.

What are some other clues that you may need to hire help the next time you host a virtual event? Leave your comments below and let’s expand this list of 3.

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