3 Powerful Reasons to Build Your Own Virtual Event Minisite

by | Nov 18, 2011 | Virtual Events & Telesummits

In an earlier blog series, I explained that it could cost you tens of thousands of dollars to rent a virtual event platform. This makes hosting a virtual event out of reach for most businesses.

Now, you can cheap-out and use a password-protected webpage to deliver your information to attendees. However, this is not a secure way to manage your virtual event recordings. Plus, you risk adding more tasks to your already full plate because this process is not automated.

Aside from the money you save using a blog and few plug-ins to create your own virtual event minisite, there are are three powerful reasons why you need to use something more robust than a password protected webpage to deliver information to attendee about your virtual event.

#1 – You Improve Customer Service

The first time I hosted a multi-speaker virtual event, I used a blog. The problem was that my team and I had to manually copy attendee registration information from our online shopping cart system to the blog and then send an e-mail to the attendee letting them know about their registration details.

This process took anywhere between 1 to 2 business days to complete depending on the workload of my virtual assistant. Of course, during this time, attendees would get a little frantic wondering why they haven’t received further information and curious to know what to do next. I’ve had some people freak out to the point where they’ve asked for their money back.

So, having a system that automates the entire registration process helps you to provide optimal customer service and lessen those refund requests. And if your attendees are happy, they’ll reward you with sales in the future.

#2 – You Build a Tribe Quicker

Virtual events can attract tens of thousands of eyeballs which translates into thousands of sign-ups to your list which ends up bringing you hundreds of paid registrants. That means you’ve already identified a market willing to pay you for your services.

But the bigger result is that these eyeballs, sign-ups and customers are united under one theme, one message and one leader. And these are the key ingredients in creating your very own tribe.

In his book, Tribes, Seth Godin says that a group needs only two things to become a tribe: a shared interest and a way to communicate. The benefits to creating a tribe around your personality, your business or your brand is that you now have a highly attentive audience to share your ideas, programs and services with. Of course, I’m simplifying this a bit, but you get the idea.

Your very own virtual event minisite allows you to provide a central place for attendees to communicate with one another and your virtual event is the shared interest. When you, as the virtual event host, allows connections to take plact between those who have a shared interest, you create a long lasting bond to you, your virtual event and eventually, your brand.

#3 – You Create Passive Income Easier

There’s no better way to create tons of information products in a short period of time than to host a multi-speakervirtual event. If you’ve been sitting around trying to create your first or umpteenth information product, a multi-speaker virtual event will help you achieve this feat in no time.

Depending on what you used to deliver the recorded content to your attendees will depend on how quickly you’ll start earning passive income. Building your very own virtual event minisite using a blog and some powerful plug-ins, such as Wishlist Member, can help you turn your virtual event minisite into a membership website. For an extra fee, you can add content on a monthly or weekly basis so that attendees continue their learning with you after the virtual event is over.

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