3 Common Telesummit Pricing Mistakes to Avoid

by | Sep 19, 2011 | Virtual Events & Telesummits | 4 comments

One the biggest questions I get is this…

“Leesa, how do I price my telesummit?”

Not an easy question to answer as there are many factors to consider. However, due to what has worked for my 5 and 6-figure telesummit clients, there is a formula that you can use so you never have to host a free telesummit – EVER!

There are TONS of reasons why you must assign a price to your telesummit, not after the attendee has freely consumed all 8, 12 or 24 sessions, but before they even get access to the call-in details.

But too many make these common telesummit pricing mistakes that do more to scare attendees away than attract them to their offer.

1 – Offering one pricing option

The marketplace is stuffed with free telesummits. Too many I might add. And the most popular option is to give away all the expert interviews at no cost, then upgrade to the recordings for $67 or $97.

In my conversations with telesummit organizers, only 1% to 2% of those who signed up for their free telesummits actually upgrade. While pulling in a few hundred dollars may seem like a good ROI, you can make more by presenting options.

When you give options, you’re able to meet every budget and learning style. Providing options – in terms of pricing & features – gives people choices that they can’t say “No” to.

2 – Offering only recordings & transcripts as features

While content is great, attendees want more and will pay higher for additional features. Adding other features, such as connections & collaboration, will get attendees excited about how their telesummit experience will be enriched interacting with you, your speakers and other attendees.

3 – Using “poison” numbers in your pricing

I know one telesummit host who used a “poison” number in her pricing and could only muster $1,200 in registrations for her premium telesummit. So, just coming up with prices is not enough. You need to know which numbers to use so you attract a slew of registrations.

Want to avoid these mistakes and more?

Indulge in my newest program called…

Here’s what you’ll learn in this training…

  • The 4 revenue models that work and how to choose the right one for your telesummit
  • How to use a car buying technique to price your telesummit so it meets every budget, language, learning style and lifestyle (you’ll kick yourself for not using this sooner)
  • How one of my colleagues iTunes her telesummit content and how you can use this pricing model to attract attendees
  • Why the topic of your telesummit matters and why attendees will pay more to attend certain topics over others
  • The magic number you must use in your pricing that’ll help you attract a flood of sign-ups

To indulge in this brand new program, click here for more. What other telesummit pricing mistakes would you suggest be avoided? Please leave your comments below.

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  1. Sparklesperson

    I just came across this – is there a recording available?

  2. NancyMarmolejo

    I’m curious to know what a poison number is!!! Sounds pretty deadly… 

    • Leesa Barnes

      One of them is the number eight, but there are more. I don’t want to reveal them all because they’re in Marlene Jensen’s Pricing Psychology report and you have to understand the science behind the poison numbers before you can understand why they shouldn’t be used. But one is the number eight. I reveal the 2 magic numbers in my Telesummit Pricing Secrets program.