2012 Virtual Event Best in Show (My Criteria)

by | Feb 3, 2012 | Virtual Events & Telesummits

Over the past few years, I’ve focused on the mistakes that people make when hosting virtual events. Some are able to course correct their mistakes seeing what others have done (or failed to do). But often, people ask me to share what is working so they can model the best of the best.

So, I’m taking a different approach…

I’m going to show you a collection of virtual events that I feel are doing it the right way. I’m calling it the Virtual Event Best In Show. Next week, you’ll see my pick of virtual events that did the right things in terms of content and design.

Here are the 8 categories that I’ll showcase:

    1. Best Page Design

– I love gorgeous designs, so I’ll be looking for virtual events that use beautiful graphics and images on their sales page. This includes content, images, ease of reading and overall design.

  1. Technology of the Year – I’m going to choose technology that helps virtual event organizers and hosts make it easier to plan or produce virtual events.
  2. Most Innovative Format – I’m looking for virtual events that do something other than the typical lecture style format over the phone.
  3. Most Provocative Theme – I’ve come across some virtual event themes that really push the envelope. I’ll share a winner with you.
  4. Host of the Year – There are many fine facilitators and emcees that I’ve heard over the past year and I’m going to select one who I think stands out above the rest.
  5. Aspire Award – I’m going to select a virtual event that was hosted for the first time in 2011.
  6. Trailblazer Award – The person I’m going to select is someone who has hosted the same virtual event for 5-years or more. There are very few out there who have done so and I’m eager to recognize their efforts.
  7. Hall of Fame – I’m going to recognize individuals and vendors who sparked the virtual event movement with their innovation, professionalism and unselfishness.  Probably going to look back to 2001 when I first got started in the virtual event space.

I know this series will spark ALOT of discussions. Before you comment, please remember my criteria for choosing the Virtual Event Best In Show:

  • I’m focusing on virtual events hosted by solopreneurs, entrepreneurs, independent consultants and small business owners. In other words, this list will be skinny on corporate and enterprise examples.
  • The virtual event must have been hosted between January 1, 2011 and December 31, 2011. Anything earlier than that hasn’t been considered.
  • I’m also focusing primarily on virtual events that feature multi-speakers. Think telesummits, video summits and webinar/teleclass series.
  • This list is entirely subjective. It’s based on what my eyes see and my ears hear. You may not agree with my picks and that’s okay.
  • I’ll also list runner-ups in each category, except the Hall of Fame category.

I’d love to hear who you think should be included in this list. Please share your links below. You can suggest your own virtual event, one you attended or one you setup for a client. Remember – multi-speaker virtual events hosted in 2011 only please! Please share your links by Monday February 6, 2012.

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