2009 Social Media Telesummit

by | Dec 22, 2008 | Upcoming Events | 4 comments

Earlier this year, I hosted the very first Social Media Telesummit. It was so challenging and exhilarating, I decided to do it all over again.

The 2009 Social Media Telesummit is an 8 day virtual event taking place entirely over the phone from January 21 to 30, 2009. It features 24 sessions from 26 speakers who will teach you how to attract attention and traffic to your website, blog or list using social media.

I’m super excited about this year’s event because I’ve got some of the top names in social media to say “Yes” to speaking at this virtual event. People like:

David Meerman Scott, Deborah Micek, Scott Stratten, Mari Smith, Chip Lambert, Lou Bortone, The Blog Squad, Fred Castaneda, Kim Dushinski, Shannon Cherry, Des Walsh, Sherman Hu, Nancy Marmolejo, Jeff Herring, Adam Urbanski, WendyY Bailey, Shama Hyder, Nicole Simon, Maria Reyes-McDavis, Carrie Wilkerson, Michael Port, Elizabeth Marshall, Sarah Robinson and yours truly…

The topics are innovative as well and I tried my best not to duplicate any of last year’s content. Here are just some of the topics you’ll hear about:

  • How to Use LinkedIn to Boost Your Leads and Grow Your Network
  • Ways to Integrate Mobile Marketing Into Your Social Media Efforts
  • How to Attract, Engage & Convert Prospects To Customers Using Live Video Broadcasting
  • Social Article Marketing: How to Create More Prospects, Publicity and Profits 300 Words at a Time
  • How to Use the Fine Art of Social Bookmarking to Build Traffic
  • Creating Triggers That Get Millions Of People To Spread Your Ideas And Share Your Stories

There are tons of changes I made to this year’s event:

  • Less, but longer sessions. The 2009 event will feature 24 sessions, 9 less than in 2008. We have 3 sessions a day and they’re 75 minutes long. That means that each speaker can really teach you a single strategy step-by-step. You won’t be overwhelmed since you can focus on 3 meaty topics per day.
  • Socially interact with other attendees and the speakers. This year, I created a secret group on Facebook for 2009 attendees. You’ll get to see other attendees and upload videos, photos and other content you feel will help your peers.
  • Daily hot seats. Every day, up to 2 businesses will be featured in the hot seat. You have to choose the right plan to be considered for one of the hot seats. That means if you hear a strategy and you have a specific question about how to apply it to your business, you could be featured in a hot seat to get a few minutes of personal coaching. Cool huh?
  • Quick delivery of content. I decided not to sell CDs or transcripts as part of the packages this year. One reason is because I had such a bad experience getting the 2008 content ready on CDs and transcripts that I’m kind of gun shy about the whole experience. But more importantly, I want to help you look current and cool. Depending on the plan you choose, you can get the recordings sent to you on a portable media player (see picture of last year’s MP3 player on the right) or you can download the recordings via an RSS feed (I’m using Premiumcast.com) to add the recordings one by one to a portable player if you already own one.

Want to register? Click here to read more information about the event and to secure your spot before all 247 spots are sold out.

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  1. Sarah Robinson, Telesummit Presenter

    Leesa, this is going to be some kind of fun! I just can’t wait to participate as a learner and as a speaker.

    Thank you sooo much for being the visionary who put this together. You are THE Rock Star!!


  2. Nancy Marmolejo, Telesummit Presenter

    I can’t wait for the telesummit. I’m excited to share my topic (How to Get Free Publicity and Attract New Clients with the Power of Social Networking) but even more so to hear the other presenters. This is such great info and what perfect timing!

    Thanks for putting such a cool even together.


  3. Dulcita Love

    The 2008 Social Media Telesummit completely transformed my business, not to mention the exciting vibe that was fun to be a part of. I can’t wait to see what’s new in social media at the 2009 Social Media Telesummit! I am ready to add new dynamics to my social media plan and fine tune what I am already using. Dulcita Love

  4. Luckie

    Love it! Love it! Love it! I will certainly be present & participating!:-)



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