2009 Podcast Secrets Preview Call

by | Mar 26, 2009 | Upcoming Events

My pal, Paul Colligan, who wrote the forward to my book, is doing Podcast Secrets again this year. Paul co-leads this multi-week virtual event with Alex Mandossian and this is the third year the 2 will team up on this telecourse.

First, I’m tickled pink that I’ll be a Faculty Member this year. I’m going to share how you can use a podcast to fill and make money from virtual events.

Second, if you’re curious about Podcast Secrets and how it can help you plan, promote and profit from a podcast, I invite you to attend the preview call taking place on April 9, 2009.

If you’re an author, info marketer or publisher and you’re sick and tired of producing events or content that only a few people consume, then this preview call is for you.

In just two hours, Alex and Paul promise to teach you:

  • Exactly 8 reasons why podcasting brings them, and can bring you, a critical business (and profit) advantage.
  • 7 secrets to producing profitable podcasting content in the fastest possible time.
  • 9 marketing channels for the podcasters and how to leverage each one.
  • The 6-Step Podcast Monetization Roadmap
  • How to part-the-curtain on the listening habits of your audience, and leverage that knowledge to produce profitable audience action.
  • At least 5 things, you can implement today that will integrate your podcast content into your business structure … and how to see results almost instantly.
  • 7 steps to getting your Podcast audience to take the very actions you want them to take.

If you’ve never been on a call with Paul & Alex, I promise you that these guys over deliver. It’s not unusual for Alex to take a 90-minute call and share over 3 hours of content – and still have people riveted in their seats until the very end.

The regular cost of the preview call is $97, however if you use this coupon code before you checkout, you’ll get the call for just $20 – PC916.

So, go now to the Podcast Secrets page and grab your spot for just $20 if you use the coupon code. The first 200 people will get the discount, so go there now.

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