2 Mistakes Most Coaches Make In Their Strategy Sessions That Cause Them to Lose the Sale

by | Mar 12, 2015 | Unleash the Flow of Money

I love using strategy session to connect with people on my list and with those who I meet through places where I speak.

Otherwise known as discovery session, free consultations, breakthrough sessions and exploratory sessions, the goal of the strategy session is to use the power of conversations to lead the person to the sale.

But too many coaches miss out on this…

There are two costly mistakes that coaches are making in their strategy sessions that are discouraging people from enrolling in their programs.

I made these two mistakes very early in my business and I scared people away from me.

We may have had a rapport, but because I was making these two mistakes, most people would say “I learned so much” and never take the next step.

Watch this video for more…

I share the two costly mistakes most coaches are making in their strategy sessions in this short video.

I also share the one thing you should be doing (and this is the part that most coaches miss).

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